Tiikkikannen pohjustus, tiivistäminen ja kiinnittäminen
Paneelien ja kalvomateriaalien pohjustus ja kiinnittäminen
Sikaflex®-298 on matalaviskositeettinen, mutta kuitenkin tiksotrooppinen, täyteläinen liima, joka on suunniteltu erityisesti kannen puuosien, muovisten kansipäällysteiden ja esivalmistettujen, puisten kansipaneelien joustavaan liimaukseen. Tuote on erittäin helppokäyttöinen, ja sen avulla saadaan aina ammattimainen lopputulos. Pysyvästi elastisella liimakerroksella on iskuja vaimentava vaikutus. Se absorboi tärähdyksiä ja vähentää niiden aiheuttamien äänten kulkua.
Kannet (puu
Kannen liukkautta vähentävät pinnoitteet
Kansien tiivistäminen veneissä ja jahdeissa
Sika on kehittänyt Sikaflex®-290 DC PRO -tuotteen puu- ja tiikkikansille, joiden on oltava täysin vesitiiviitä ja säänkestäviä. Tämä erittäin helppokäyttöinen, erinomaisesti UV-säteilyä kestävä yksikomponenttinen polyuretaanisaumausaine voidaan kovettamisen jälkeen hioa kannen tasoon, jolloin saadaan siisti ja kaunis lopputulos.
Sikan Marine Teak Deck Maintenance System auttaa säilyttämään ja hoitamaan uutta ja vanhaa tiikkipuuta, sekä muita käytettyjä puumateriaaleja syväyksen yläpuolella. Sikaflex®-290 DC PRO ja Sikaflex®-298 Sikan Totally Glued Teak Decking Systemin tärkeimmät avaintekijät.
Kannen saumaus
Kannen tasoitus ja pohjustus
Tuotesuosituksemme tiikkikansien saumaukseen ja kiinnityksiin
Frequently Asked Questions
To maintain the color and appearance of a new teak deck we recommend Sika’s Teak Maintenance System. It avoids damage of the caulking joint and is fully compatible with the Sikaflex®-290 DC PRO caulked teak decks.
Step 1:
Mix SikaTeak® C+B with water in a ratio of 1:3
Apply the mixture with a scrubbing brush or sponge
Leave for 10 minutes before rinsing the deck with water
Step 2:
Apply a small amount of SikaTeak® Oil Neutral on a clean cloth or a roller
Allow oil to penetrate the wood for ca. 30 minutes before removing excesses with a cloth
For further details read our application guidelines and our pre-treatment chart.
To replace damaged teak planks from the deck first completely remove the caulking from the joints around any planks that are to be removed.
Remove the damaged plank, taking care not to damage the substrate.
Remove any old adhesives, bedding or other foreign matter from the substrate and remove the jointing material from around the edge of neighbouring planks.
Use Sikaflex®-298 as a bedding compound and pre-treat the teak planks with Sika® Multiprimer Marine or Sika® Primer-290 DC prior to the application according (check pre-treatment chart). Caulk the joints with Sikaflex®-290 DC PRO the teak deck caulking material. Sand deck with a belt sander or flat plate after safe sanding time as indicated in the guideline.
For further details read our application guidelines and our pre-treatment chart.
Water intrusion between wood and deck may lead to fouling of the wood. It is recommended to control the deck periodically and repair non-tight areas before the whole deck is affected or part of the wood detaches from the deck due to the wood expansion with permanent water contact.
Deciding whether or not a wooden deck needs to be repaired is not always easy.
- First, it must be established that a joint has failed or the wood has been damaged enough to cause a problem. Each and every joint should be closely inspected. Any points at which there is a small gap or crack in the caulk should be marked with distinctive chalk.
- Second, the wood surface should also be closely examined for undue wear, gashes, splitting or splintering and should be marked with chalk in a similar way. However, parts or all of the damaged planks should be replaced, according to how badly they are damaged.
To ensure a good result after applying your teak deck download the application guideline and follow instructions thoroughly. As surface preparation is key to remove and to clean the surface of dust, dirt, grease, oil, etc. Prepare substrate according to pre-treatment chart.
For the next step, we recommend to use the bedding compound Sikaflex®-298 and to pre-treat the wood plank prior to embedding use Sika® Primer-290 DC or Sika® Multiprimer Marine. After placing the planks into position caulk the joints with Sikaflex®-290 DC PRO, Sika’s teak deck caulking material. Sand deck with a belt sander or flat plate after safe sanding time as indicated in the guidelines.
For further details read our application guidelines and our pre-treatment chart.